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4441 North Interstate 10 Service Road West
Metairie, LA, 70006
United States

(504) 648-3477

Conversations about organ, tissue and eye donation with hosts Lori Steele, Sally Gentry and Joey Boudreaux. Our goal is to raise awareness about the need for the life saving gifts of organ, tissue & eye donation. Help the Gifted Life Podcast share the latest information about donation and transplantation, share this podcast with your family and friends. Share your inspiring stories with us or give us a call at (504) 648-3477. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Podcast Team

The Gifted Life Podcast team.

Also available on: Apple Podcasts | Subscribe on Android | RSS | Spotify | iHeart Radio | Tune in | Pandora

What We Do

The Gifted Life Podcast has entertaining and informative conversations about organ, tissue, & eye donation and transplantation. 
Our goal is to raise awareness about the need for these life saving gifts.

You can register as a donor at



Lori Steele Community Educator & Media Specialist

Lori Steele
Community Educator & Media Specialist

My role is to maximize organ and tissue donation awareness and increase...

Joey Boudreaux, RN, BSN, CPTC Chief Clinical Officer

Joey Boudreaux, RN, BSN, CPTC
Senior Director of Operations

My role is to oversee organ recoveries throughout the state...

Nila Schwab, MEd, PLPC
Family Support Coordinator II

My role at LOPA is called Family Services Coordinator. I provide follow up…


Production Team

Chillon Caraway Brand Manager

Chillon Caraway
Brand Manager

My role as Brand Manager pools my 20 years experience in...

Troy Perez Digital Production Administrator

Troy Perez
IT Manager

I work in the IT department in various roles and I create content for multiple ...